Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


Cholesterol is a chemical compound that is naturally produced by the body which is a combination of lipid (fat) and steroid. Fat is one of the energy sources that provide the greatest calories after carbohydrate etc, but it is also one component of fat nutrients needed by the body. cholesterol must be transported to bind to proteins that form compounds called lipoproteins. One of the elements that exist in our daily diet is fat. Fat is an energy-rich substance, serves as the primary energy source for the body's metabolic processes. Fat obtained through food or formed in the body, especially the liver and can be stored in fat cells or adipose tissue for future reference. Fat cells also protects the body from the cold, and help to protect the body in many ways. Fat is an essential component of cell membranes, nerve cells that wrap selulubung nerve cells and bile. In addition to fat, there are also other lipid classes that are not related to fatty acids but are still classed as fat because it has properties similar to the actual fat. The same substance is known as lipomimetic compoud, ie components that resemble fat. For example, cholesterol. Cholesterol is a natural substance with physical properties such as fat but have a formula like steroida (Tjay, 2002). Cholesterol is present in tissues and plasma lipoproteins, which can be in the form of free cholesterol or combined with long-chain fatty acids as an ester kolesteril. This element is synthesized in many tissues from acetyl-CoA and eventually expelled from the body in the bile as cholesterol or bile salts. Cholesterol is the precursor of all other steroid compounds within the body, eg, corticosteroids, sex hormones, bile acids and vitamin D (Murray, 2003).

Cholesterol biosynthesis can be divided into five stages as follows:
1. Mevalonic, which is a six-carbon compound, synthesized dariasetil- CoA.
2. Isoprenoid units formed from mevalonic to remove CO2.
3. Six units held isoprenoid condensation to form skualen.
4. Skualen undergo cyclization to produce the parent steroid compound, namely lanosterol.
5. Cholesterol is formed from lanosterol after going through a few more stages Furthermore, including removing three methyl groups (Murray, 2003).

3 komentar:

  1. Why cholesterol must bind with proteins to form lipoproteins compounds transported around the body?

  2. fatty binds to protein because protein serves to emulsify lipids (fatty molecules called otherwise).
    Lipoprotein particles have hydrophilic groups of phospholipids, cholesterol, and Apoprotein directed out. These characteristics make them soluble in a pool of blood-based or salt water. Fat Triglycerides and cholesterol esters are carried internally, shielded from the water by a monolayer of phospholipids and Apoprotein.
    Cholesterol is transported by lipoproteins called LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) to be taken into the body's cells that need, including the heart muscle cells, brain and others in order to function properly.
    LDL lipoproteins are compounds that lower specific gravity. Lipoprotein carries fat and cholesterol is very high, is made of endogenous fat in the liver. This is necessary for the body's LDL transports cholesterol from the liver to the body tissues. LDL interacts with receptors on the cell membrane to form LDL-receptor complex. LDL-receptor complex into the cell malalui typical process, by active transport or endocytosis.

  3. I will try to answer your question :
    acording to me, Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in all blood cells and the main body.
    Cholesterol is produced and synthesized and converted into body tissues, hormones and vitamins that are then circulated into the body through the blood.
    Cholesterol can not dissolve in the blood. so in order to be transported in the bloodstream, the cholesterol with other fats (triglycerides and phospholipids) must bind to proteins to form soluble compounds, namely lipoprotein.

    This protein moves such as trucks, binds cholesterol and transport it to various parts of the body.

    The main organs that control the uptake and release of cholesterol is the liver. Liver cholesterol binding with proteins, small ball into a circle called a lipoprotein.

    Lipoprotein released into the blood and delivered to the entire body. and the cells will discard any excess cholesterol whenever they need it.
    Chylomicrons is a lipoprotein that transports fat to the liver. In the liver, fat ties are discussed, forming a fatty substance again. Fatty acids are formed to be used as an energy source or if the amount of excess is stored in fat tissue.
    When the intake of cholesterol is not mencukup, liver cells will produce it. Of the liver, cholesterol is transported by lipoproteins called LDL (low density lipoprotein) to be brought into the cells of the body that need it, including the heart muscle cells, brain, and others in order to function properly.
    Excess cholesterol will be transported back by lipoproteins called HDL (high density lipoprotein) to be taken to heart will be further described and thrown into the gall bladder as bile acids.
