Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

auron biosynthesis

Biosynthesis pathway Auron

Auron is a plant flavonoid that produce yellow flowers on some specific makhkota. Auron does not have the core structure of flavonoids, but biosynthesis is directly derived from kalkon which is a very important precursor of all flavonoids. Higher efficiency in the formation of 6-glucoside of Auron when compared with the same aglycone allow that kalkon-4-glucoside may be the substrate for the biosynthesis of Auron in real interest rates. It has been demonstrated in Antirrhinum magus by isolating kalkon 4'-O-glucosyltransferase that catalyzes the form of tetra-and pentahydroxychalcone 4'-O-glucosides. Intermediate 4'-O-glucoside was converted into 6-O-glucosides by auresidin synthesis. This enzyme is produced and accumulated in the cytoplasm.
Of particular interest is the synthesis auresidin, (the oxidation of polyphenols (PPO), which catalyzes the change of the tetra-and pentahydroxychalcone be Auron aureusidin and bracteatin,) has placed well in the vacuole lumen. In contrast to all PPOs in other plants associated with plastids. In the present invention discussed the molecular form of the enzyme characteristics such as low pH optimum for catalytic activity.
4'-glucosilasi kalkon occurs in the cytoplasm. 4'-glycosides kalkon transferred into the vacuole where final changes to Auron aureusidin and bracteatin catalyzed. Competition between multiple synthesis pathway (anthocyanins, flavonoids and aurone biosynthesis) requires the same catalyst. Kalkon contained in Torenia hybrid transgenic plant that has 4'glokosiltransferase kalkon and sintasis aureusidin of Antirrhinum magus that can increase the production of anthocyanin simultaneously aurone which is regulated by RNA.

 Isolation Aurone
• Auron extracted with alcohol or alcohol-water mixture. Glycosides in Auron increased solubility in water so that the alcohol-water mixture can be used to extract.
• column chromatography with eluent n-hexane, chloroform, methanol, ammonium

Sample Isolation Auron:
1. Algae washed with water, dried for 5 days and soaked with methanol for 1 week.
2. Methanol extracts of algae in the filter and in uapkan under vacuum conditions.
3. The residue in the distillation with water and successively fractionated with n-hexane, Chloroform, EtOAc and n-butanol.
4. Extracts from EtOAc entered into a column containing silica gel
5. Dieluasi with a mixture of n-hexane - Chloroform and Chloroform-methanol
6. Results eluasi on preparative TLC with solvents with Chloroform-methanol-ammonium hydroxide (9.5: 0.5: 3 drops)

2 komentar:

  1. problem:
    how to effect acid or base to auron compounds?

    1. to see the effect of acid-base can be seen from the color change, in:
      Effect of acid: no changes
      base effect: in alkaline solution, this compound turned red rose
