Senin, 24 Desember 2012

Question and Answer Final Exam

SKS : 2
DOSEN : Dr. Syamsurizal, M.Si
WAKTU : 22-29 Desember 2012
PETUNJUK : Ujian ini open book. Tapi tidak diizinkan mencontek, bilamana ditemukan, maka anda dinyatakan GAGAL. Jawaban anda diposting di bolg masing-masing.

1. Jelaskan dalam jalur biosintesis triterpenoid, identifikasilah faktor-faktor penting yang sangat menentukan dihasilkannya triterpenoid dalam kuantitas yang banyak.
2. Jelaskan dalam penentuan struktur flavonoid, kekhasan signal dan intensitas serapan dengan menggunakan spektrum IR dan NMR. Berikan dengan contoh sekurang-kurangnya dua struktur yang berbeda.
3. Dalam isolasi alkaloid, pada tahap awal dibutuhkan kondisi asam atau basa. Jelaskan dasar penggunaan reagen tersebut, dan berikan contohnya sekurang-kurangnya tiga macam alkaloid.
4. Jelaskan keterkaitan diantara biosintesis, metode isolasi dan penentuan struktur senyawa bahan alam . Berikan contohnya.

1.  Here is a terpenoid biosynthetic pathway
Picture from : (

From the image above we can see that the triterpenoids derived from geranil geranil-pyrophosphate (GGPP) derived from the condensation between the units or IPP and GPP by the same mechanism. So, I think a very important factor determining the quantity produced triterpenoids which many are on the incorporation of IPP and GPP that produces farnesil pyrophosphate (FPP).

2.    Infrared spectroscopy
Spectrophotometric Infra Red or Infra Red is a method to observe the interaction of molecules with electromagnetic radiation is in the region from 0.75 to 1000 μm wavelength or wave number 13000-10 cm-1 by using a tool that Infrared Spectrophotometer.
This method is widely used in laboratory industrial analysis and research laboratories because it can provide useful information for qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as assist in the implementation of a compound of formula-up.
IR spectra are very rich in molecular information consisting sktruktur rotational and vibrational motion.
IR spectrum lies in the range of wave numbers 12800-10 cm-1. In terms of applications and instrumentation, IR spectrum is divided into three types of radiation, namely the near IR, mid-, and far away.). IR spectroscopy to qualitative analysis methods are very useful, but difficult to do because of the similarity of each response spectrum. Quantitative analysis of the IR spectrum is also very difficult because of the overlap of the absorption spectra of the molecules in the sample. To be able to extract information from the data is complex IR spectrum, required a method kemometrik form of multivariate analysis.
NMR spectrum
Measurement of one-dimensional NMR spectra can be used to determine the structure of molecules to simpler compounds and is a known compound. Much information can be extracted from the measurement result 1 dimensional NMR spectra (1H and 13C-NMR), such as the presence of functional groups that is expressed in a typical such as the number, type and position of functional groups, the number of protons and carbon and can determine the shape conformation or spatial structure such as cis or trans, axial or equatorial.
With the known functional groups based on the measurement of 1H and 13C NMR spectra, to assemble clusters into a molecular structure is complete and correct measurements were taken two-dimensional NMR spectra. But to do intrepetasi Data 2D NMR spectral data such as HMQC, HMBC, and NOE requires considerable time given the required competence and experience Yany long enough. Besides, considering the molecular structure varies from simple to very complex.
I.                    Identification of flavonoid structure
Further analysis using IR spectrophotometer to determine the functional gugusgugus compounds are at f2 fraction is shown in Figure.
                                                    Figure of spectrum IR

Based on the figure can be seen in the pitakuat at 1714.6 cm-1 are specific to carbonyl groups. Uptake sharp 1261.4 and 1217.0 cm-1 arises from the conjugated CO group vibrations. Ribbon at 1091.6 and 1029.9 cm-1 is the absorption of the methoxy group. ribbons on 3020.3 cm-1 comes from the = CH str supported by bands between 1600 cm-1 and 1500 cm-1 indicate the presence of an aromatic nucleus. Small bands namely weak 1652.9 cm-1 derived from the group vinyl. The ribbon on the area under the 3000 cm-1 and reinforced by bands around 1450 cm-1 stated that the alkyl methylene. Based on the analysis of the spectrum in Figure , it can be concluded that the f2 containing aromatic compounds, group C = O, CO, vinyl,-CH2-and methoxy. 
I.                   Flavonoids in the leaves of breadfruit
1H NMR spectrum of compound 1 showed a signal at δH 12.85 ppm for the-OH terkelasi with the-C = O, two triplet signals of two methylene groups in the δH 3.11 and 2.97 ppm for the two methylene groups-α and -β from dihidrokalkon, and the number of signals corresponding to one unit geranil (sinyals at δH 5.17, 5.02, 3.40, 2.08, 2.06, 1.79, 166, 1.57 ppm). In addition, the analysis of signals in the aromatic region shows the unit 1,2,3,4 - substituted benzene (δH 6.71 and 6.65 ppm) and 2,4-gu-gus dihidroksibenzoil (δH 7.58, 6 , 37 and 6.35 ppm). Having regard to the value of shear proton chemical signals of two aromatic units, it was concluded that compound 1 is 2-geranil-2 ', 4', 3.4 tetrahidroksidihidrokalkon. 13C NMR data comparison between the isolated compound 1 shows the reported high compliance. It can be concluded that 2-geranil-2 ', 4',3,4-tetrahidroksidihidrokalkon defined as compounds

3. Reagents for alkaloid compounds is wagner reagents, reagent meyer, and dragendorf.
            Some of the reagents used for the deposition separated alkaloid. Reagent is often based on the ability to join metal alkaloid that has a high atomic weight such as mercury, bismuth, tungsen, or Jood. Mayer reagent containing potassium chloride and mercury jodida and Dragendorff reagent containing bismuth nitrate and mercury chloride in aqueous nitrite. Bouchardat reagents similar to Wagner's reagent and potassium jodida and Jood. Menandung silikotungstat acid reagent complex silicon dioxide and tungsten trioxide. Various reagents showed the greatest difference in alkaloid halsensitivitas against different groups. Judging from the popularity, mayer formulation is less sensitive than the reactants or dragendorff wagner.
a)      isolation of alkaloids, Most alkaloids are insoluble in petroleum ether extract but selaluu ​​should be checked for the presence of alkaloids by using one reagent precipitating alkaloids. When the number of alkaloids soluble in petroleum ether solvent, the plant material at the beginning coupled with aqueous acid to bind the alkaloid salts.
b)      Isolation of nicotine from tobacco by adding NaOH solvent
c)       Isolation of caffeine from tea leaves with sodium carbonate solvent

      4. isolation is a method to separate compounds that mix so that we can produce a pure single compound. Plants contain thousands of compounds that are categorized as primary metabolites and secondary metabolites. Usually the isolation of compounds from natural ingredients are used to isolate the secondary metabolites, as secondary metabolites can benefit human life. Among other benefits in the areas of agriculture, health and food.
            Biosynthesis is the formation of a naturally occurring molecule in the cells of other molecules that are less complicated structure, through endeorganik reaction. While the biosynthetic pathway can be defined as a sequence or a process in which consists of the stages of formation of simple compounds into complex compounds. Biosynthesis process will take place very complex, depending on the available enzymes that similar plants growing in different areas it is possible to have a certain metabolite formation paths are not identical.
      While the determination of the structure performed on the isolated compound. Determining the structure of a compound can be carried out using IR spectrum, UV, or NMR. The spectrum can identify the shape of the structure of a compound with a specific absorption.

For example; biosynthesis of flavonoids compound in Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb, then in isolation to obtain a pure single compound later identified the compound structure using IR spectrum, UV, or NMR

Jumat, 07 Desember 2012


Cholesterol is a chemical compound that is naturally produced by the body which is a combination of lipid (fat) and steroid. Fat is one of the energy sources that provide the greatest calories after carbohydrate etc, but it is also one component of fat nutrients needed by the body. cholesterol must be transported to bind to proteins that form compounds called lipoproteins. One of the elements that exist in our daily diet is fat. Fat is an energy-rich substance, serves as the primary energy source for the body's metabolic processes. Fat obtained through food or formed in the body, especially the liver and can be stored in fat cells or adipose tissue for future reference. Fat cells also protects the body from the cold, and help to protect the body in many ways. Fat is an essential component of cell membranes, nerve cells that wrap selulubung nerve cells and bile. In addition to fat, there are also other lipid classes that are not related to fatty acids but are still classed as fat because it has properties similar to the actual fat. The same substance is known as lipomimetic compoud, ie components that resemble fat. For example, cholesterol. Cholesterol is a natural substance with physical properties such as fat but have a formula like steroida (Tjay, 2002). Cholesterol is present in tissues and plasma lipoproteins, which can be in the form of free cholesterol or combined with long-chain fatty acids as an ester kolesteril. This element is synthesized in many tissues from acetyl-CoA and eventually expelled from the body in the bile as cholesterol or bile salts. Cholesterol is the precursor of all other steroid compounds within the body, eg, corticosteroids, sex hormones, bile acids and vitamin D (Murray, 2003).

Cholesterol biosynthesis can be divided into five stages as follows:
1. Mevalonic, which is a six-carbon compound, synthesized dariasetil- CoA.
2. Isoprenoid units formed from mevalonic to remove CO2.
3. Six units held isoprenoid condensation to form skualen.
4. Skualen undergo cyclization to produce the parent steroid compound, namely lanosterol.
5. Cholesterol is formed from lanosterol after going through a few more stages Furthermore, including removing three methyl groups (Murray, 2003).